As with my e-cig I decided to purchase my first few batches of e-juice from juicycigs. RY4 is a tobacco flavour based e-juice with an addition of caramel and vanilla. It is available in 3 different strengths 12 medium 18 high and 24 extra high. it is also available in 2 sizes 10ml at £4.99 and 30ml at 13.49. There is a small discount for buying the larger bottles but as I wanted to try a few different flavours I opted for the small one.
As I find with juicycigs the my order arrived the following day. I put some in my e-cig, gave it a few minutes to soak in, and gave it a try. the first thing I noticed was how strong this was. it seemed almost like smoking a cigar and had a very strong taste again similar to a cross between cigars and benson and hedges, so a very strong flavour. It did make an impressive amount of vapour but it felt harsh on my throat. After finishing a cartridge full I decided to try another flavour as it seemed too harsh for me i thought as i haven't been vaping long it may be that i am not used to the strength.
I did find something very useful with this, when i mixed it at around 50/50 with other flavoured ones which didn't seem to produce a satisfactory vape or had a taste too mild for my tastes it did improve them greatly it also performs well if you atomizers are on there last legs.
All in all i would keep one of these with my e-juices. If the strong cigar like taste appeals to you im sure you will be happy with it and if not you can mix it with one which has a poor taste or is too week for your taste which saves wasting the money that you have spent on a juice that you are not happy with.
Please feel free to leave your comments on RY4 as flavour and strength is subject to individual tastes all comments are welcome. please also say where you purchased it from as i am keen to try other suppliers to see how the flavours differ.
Thanks for reading,
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