I purchased 3 10ml bottles of e-juice from jucy cigs which arrived the next day and I was ready to go.
The first thing that I did was remove the white cap from the end of the cartomizer, The website I found said use a nail of some pliers, as I was in the kitchen I took the first item to hand that I thought would do the job which turned out to be a fork I just put one of the prongs in the hole and levered the cap out.
Removing cartomizer cap |
The next day after the cartomizer had dried I added about half a dozen drops of the e-juice into the cartomizer while rotating the cartomizer to let it soak into the filler material, I think I added too much or did it too quick as it started leaking from the bottom onto my finger, which is is a little concerning as it says on the bottle "toxic in contact with skin" I did wash my hands after and I am not dead yet so that's good.
Cartomizer filled with vanilla e-juice |
So far this seems to me like a good way to save a few Penny's and re-use my cartomizers, I don't know how long they will work for before the atomisers eventually die and I think in future if I am adding the same flavour e-juice I will skip the washing out step and go straight to the filling up part.
So far my my experiance with refilling these has not been great, although i do gat some vapour its not up to the standard of the purchased cartomizers. I am going to try drying them for a longer period of time to ensure that the wading is not still damp and diluting the juice.
I have removed the wadding in one cartriddge to try and dry it with a paper towel, this proves allmost impossibl to refit as if you do not get th heat sleeving on correctly you inhale a terrible burning taste. if any one knows th best way to refit these please let me know.
I have also ordered a ego-VVC so I can compere the e-juices against the caromizer flavours. Watch this space...